Twilight Real Estate Photography
Selling a home requires quite a bit of marketing effort. Professional real estate photography is one of the most important marketing tools a realtor can use to get the home noticed. A 2013 study by Redfin found that homes listed between $200,000 and $1 million sold for $3,400 to $11,200 more relative to their list prices when photographed professionally.
Twilight photos of the exterior of the home will be more eye-catching when potential buyers are shopping online. Realty Times stated:
“Many, many homes will look better when photographed at twilight. There’s something everyone loves about seeing an image with the glowing lights inside. It’s striking and colorful, and all in all a very appealing look for a real estate marketing campaign.
The other benefit with a twilight shoot is that it will make that particular house stand out far more strongly when compared with other homes currently for sale.”
This unique contemporary home is located in the exclusive Baycliff area of Virginia Beach and is listing for $849,000. The first image is a daylight photo of the front exterior. It was decided to create a twilight image to grab more attention on sites like Zillow or Redfin.
This image is of a straight photo as the sun was setting. While the warm interior lights come through, the home itself is dark, blending into the wooded background.
This final image was accomplished through light painting with multiple flash pops, combined later in Photoshop. It definitely has the warm, inviting look that will make it attractive to homebuyers. If you think twilight images of your listings would be useful to your home marketing efforts, contact us today.