Jessica – Graduation Portraits
With the Covid-19 pandemic raging around the world, graduation ceremonies have been canceled for high schools and colleges. 2020 graduates won’t have the opportunity to walk on stage to receive their diplomas or degrees. We are offering a graduation portrait special with portraits made at your school or other location of your choice, giving you a remembrance of your graduation year.
Jessica and I go way back, She took a photography class I offered when she was 17. She became an intern and then a photography assistant. I photographed her senior portraits, graduation, engagement portraits, her wedding, maternity portraits, and newborn portraits of her daughter Lily. Jess is graduating from ODU with her Master’s degree in Speech Therapy. Since there won’t be a traditional ceremony, we met at the ODU campus to create some portraits to commemorate her graduation. The three areas on campus that most grads want are the sign facing Hampton Blvd., the lion fountain, and the university seal.
Contact us if you would like a special portrait to remember your class of 2020! Bring a friend!