Background Options for your Headshots
A lot goes into a professional headshot to make it stand out. A confident and welcoming expression and great lighting are extremely important. Your choice of background can be equally important for a professional presentation. We are often requested to match the look of existing headshots for an established company. Others don’t yet have consistent, professional headshots so they want us to give them some direction. We have many background options, but these are the most common.
By far the standard for business headshots is the mid-gray background. It is simple, not distracting. It is easy to duplicate over time. There are no concerns about clothing colors clashing.

Another advantage of the gray background is the ability to add color by using a gelled light on the background. We can even match the primary color in your company’s branding. In this case, we used a subtle touch of blue.

After the mid-gray, the next most requested background is pure white. In photographic terms, this is known as high-key. Like the gray background, high-key is simple and repeatable. If the subject is wearing bright colors, those colors will really pop. This is a very clean, modern look that works well on any website or printed piece, especially if you add copy to the images.

Another advantage of a high-key background is the ability to place the subject over the image of another location. This is similar to green screens in video production. This is known as a knock-out. It’s usually best to have the background image before the headshot is created so that lighting can match the environment.

The opposite of the high-key background is, quite obviously, the low-key or black background. This is not a common choice but is great for a more dramatic look. Lights to separate darker hair and darker clothes from the background are essential.

For a more traditional, even retro look we have the “old masters” painted backdrops. This is more difficult to match existing photos since there are so many versions of these drops. If you prefer a classic business portrait look, this is the way to go. These are also the choice if you are looking for a framed wall portrait of your President or CEO.

These are just a few of the options for your business headshot. These can all be done at our studio or your office. We also offer location or outdoor portraits. Give your business the professional look it deserves. Call or email us today to begin planning your headshot session. 757-499-8708
Your model is simply beautiful!!!
Do you have to get professional makeup for these?
Not necessarily. Just everyday makeup is usually fine. We finish off the images with some retouching.