Amelia – Maternity and Newborn Photography
Last year, about nine months ago, Stephanie and AJ learned they were going to be parents for the first time. They wanted to let their family and friends know using social media.
Being actors and teachers at the Masterworks Theater Arts School, they wanted to do it in a way that reflected their profession. They came up with this idea for a movie poster as their announcement.
About a month before her due date, we went to First Landing State Park for Stephanie’s maternity portraits. It was a cloudy, drizzly morning, but Stephanie just glowed in her portraits.
Finally we get to meet little Amelia. Going back to social media, AJ posted the following:
After 30 hrs of labor and my wife Stephanie making it look easy, we welcome Amelia Nicole Semiday. At 1:13am on 1-7-16 weighing 8lbs 3oz and measuring 19 1/2 in long. We are beyond thrilled to have this little beauty home in our arms. Steph was a super woman: not once did she lose focus, she champed through it and even danced during contractions. We just thank the Lord for bringing us a healthy baby. We thank our midwives Terri and Jennifer from Seven Cities Midwifery Care, along with their apprentice Rebecca. Amelia you are so loved.