614 Sparrow Road – Chesapeake Real Estate Photography
Most of our real estate listing photos are created for the listing real estate agent, we were asked to photograph this home for the homeowners. They were planning on selling the house themselves.
The home has been beautifully updated and maintained. They described it this way: We’ve made this home our own by updating the original bathroom, painting, installing a barn door for aesthetics and functionality, covering the patio so we can enjoy the backyard (even during a rainstorm), and most recently adding a master bedroom and bathroom with walk-in closet. The backyard is large enough to really enjoy but does not require too much time to maintain.
A few days after delivering the images, we received the following email from the homeowner: I wanted to take a minute to tell you thank you. I was very impressed with your work. I absolutely love the pictures. We held an open house this weekend and received two verbal offers – the house was only on the market for about 24 hours. And actually received a written offer late last night – hopefully ratifying a contract this morning We learned that the pictures are what sold people on coming to see the house. Thank you so much!!!!